Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015 5:30pm: Choose your own adventure ride *LUBBER RUN TO BALLSTON*

Kidical Mass Arlington's photo.

We have a winner! We'll meet at Lubber Run and ride to Big Buns in Arlington. Join us early to play in the park, or stay after the ride and enjoy dinner (mmmm, burgers*) or dessert (mmmm, shakes) at Big Buns.

When: Sunday, August 23, 2015 5:30pm (roll out close to 5:30pm - come early to play in the park.)

Meet: Lubber Run Community Center - North Park Street and George Mason: Meet at the playground on the west side of the parking lot.

Parking: At the community center

EndBig Buns Ballston - North Utah and Glebe

Route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/9893717

*Big Buns has veggie burgers too!

The route is pretty easy -- we'll cruise down neighborhood streets (including the downhill on Park) to the W&OD Trail. After a short ride on the W&OD, we'll turn onto the Bluemont Trail and encounter our only real hill. The Trail flattens out and brings us to Ballston, where we'll use wide sidewalks to pull right up to Big Buns!

_______ORIGINAL POST___________

We ride on Sunday evening (8/23/15, say 5:30pm). We're making this a choose-your-own-adventure ride (i.e. vote on which route we take).  You can vote in the comments here, or over on our Facebook page. We'll decide and announce (here and on facebook) by Wednesday 8/19/15 at 8pm (vote by then).
All routes are between 3 and 4 miles. Route 1 is the least hilly, route 3 is the most.


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    شركة تنظيف بحفر الباطن
