Tuesday, August 22, 2023

August 2023: Gear Up for School!

It's back to school and a great time to get back on the bike! Kids, families and the young at heart are all welcome to ride around central Arlington this Saturday.

We'll meet at Zitkala Sa Park -- come early and let the kids play -- then ride through some nice neighborhood streets, including on most of the Escuela Key Bicibus route, to end up at Mosaic Park (right beside some great lunch options). Get out your bikes, grab your helmets & water bottles and join us! The weather should be awesome!

The route is fairly gentle, crossing major streets with lights or stop signs. This is an A to B ride, and the route back is safe and easy - essentially a short jaunt up 5th St N.

Everyone is welcome on the ride, and we will go as slow as our slowest rider. The ride is best suited for elementary-aged kids, new riders (no training wheels or scooters) and those who are happy to go at a very casual pace.  It's helpful to remind competitive kids that this is not a race. 

RSVPing to our Facebook event is not necessary but helps us know who to expect.

When: Saturday, August 26, 2023

Meet: 11:00am -  Zitkala-Sa Park - North Highland Street and 7th Street North (roll out 11:15am)

Car parking: Neighborhood streets (If you want to park near Mosaic Park, do NOT in the big lot at Gold's Gym/&pizza. Seriously, don't park there).

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/44165191

End: Mosaic Park - N Quincy St & 5th Road N 

1 comment:

  1. Back-to-school season always brings a mix of excitement and preparation. Whether it's gathering supplies, organizing schedules, or setting goals for the new academic year, there's a lot to do.<a href="https://dev-rupahw.pantheonsite.io”>SEO zannatul</a>
