Happy June! Arlington is a wonderful place to ride a bike in June... except in those places where it's not so wonderful. Perhaps the worst place to ride a bike in Arlington is on Columbia Pike. And while there are bike boulevards that parallel part of the Pike, they are not entirely kidical-friendly (e.g. they don't have traffic lights to help you cross major roads, like Glebe), and they don't span the length of the Pike.
Our friends at Sustainable Mobility for Arlington County want to change that: They are calling on Arlington to make the entire Pike-corridor bikeable (more details over here). And to call attention to the issue, there's a ride - Bike4ThePike - this Saturday, June 23rd, leaving at 11:30am, to the West Columbia Pike Food Truck Party (FOOD TRUCKS!!!). Kidical Mass Arlington is going to join them!
It's not your typical Kidical Mass ride -- yes, it's less than 2 miles, and not hilly. But it's not on a safe-and-comfortable street. We'll get our safety in numbers from riding with this big group. Kids will need to stay close to their parents, and will need to stay to the right among the group. All of our rides, including this one, are ride at your own risk.
All are welcome, the ride is free, and everyone is encouraged to RSVP at Bike4ThePike. (The Food Truck Party has a Facebook event you can RSVP to as well)
When: Saturday, June 23, 2018
Parking: Neighborhood streets
Whether you join us or not, please sign #Bike4ThePike's petition. Maybe one day, it will be safe enough to have a real Kidical Mass Arlington ride there. :-)